- 好 (好): good; appropriate; proper; all right!; (before a verb) easy to; (before a verb) good to; (before an adjective for exclamatory effect) so; (verb complement indicating completion); (of two people) close; on intimate terms; (after a personal pronoun) hello
- 整 (整): (bound form) whole; complete; entire; (before a measure word) whole; (before or after number + measure word) exactly; (bound form) in good order; tidy; neat; (bound form) to put in order; to straighten; (bound form) to repair; to mend; to renovate; (coll.) to fix sb; to give sb a hard time; to mess with sb; (dialect) to tinker with; to do sth to
- 以 (㕥): old variant of 以[yi3]
- 暇 (暇): leisure
- Wiktionary: 好整以暇
- MDBG: 好整以暇
- Examples with 好整以暇 on Tatoeba
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