- 浮 (浮): to float; superficial; floating; unstable; movable; provisional; temporary; transient; impetuous; hollow; inflated; to exceed; superfluous; excessive; surplus
- 想 (想): to think (about); to think of; to devise; to think (that); to believe (that); to desire; to want (to); to miss (feel wistful about the absence of)
- 联 (聯): (bound form) to ally oneself with; to unite; to combine; to join; (bound form) (poetry) antithetical couplet
- 翩 (翩): to fly fast
- Wiktionary: 浮想联翩
- MDBG: 浮想联翩
- Examples with 浮想联翩 on Tatoeba
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